


“火箭产品生产过程一致性量化控 制技术研究”,2018年中国质量协会质量技术一等奖,潘尔顺等;

“基于Agent 的智能制造执行系统及其可重构控制技术和应用”,2009年上海市科技进步二等奖,奚立峰;







  • 上海市科委重大科技攻关项目,基于知识的水平定向钻数字化创新设计系统开发与应用04dz11005),2004-2007,负责人褚学宁
  • “十一五”国家科技支撑计划:7500吨海上起重装备浮吊关键技术研究,2007-2008,交大方负责人奚立峰
  • 中国航天科技集团重点项目,航天典型产品业务流程再造与制造模式研究,2008-2010,负责人奚立峰
  • 国家863重点项目“大型装备维修、维护与大修(MRO)支持系统”子课题:“MRO 决策支持工具研究”,2009-2011,负责人周晓军
  • 国家自然科学基金优秀创新研究群体项目:复杂装备的数字化设计,2009-2013,奚立峰参与
  • 上海市飞机制造有限公司,大型飞机移动生产线关键技术研究,2009-2012,负责人奚立峰
  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目:服务型制造运行机理与运作管理新方法研究,2010-2014,负责人江志斌
  • 国家科技重大专项 “极大规模集成电路制造装备及成套工艺”课题(2011ZX02501-005)子课题“集成电路生产线自动化调度控制软件技术”,2011-2014,课题首席专家江志斌
  • 上海市科委重大科技攻关项目,新型运载火箭总装工艺协同设计关键技术研究与应用(11dz1120800),2011-2013,负责人褚学宁
  • 企业委托项目,试验平台设计,2014-2015,负责人蒋祖华
  • 智能制造专项,振华自动化码头示范工程,2014-2016年,负责人潘尔顺
  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目:医疗与健康的价值链整合与管理,2015-2018,负责人江志斌
  • 科技部创新方法专项(SQ2015IMC000008),精益医院管理创新方法体系及应用示范,2016.1-2017.12,项目负责人江志斌;
  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目:发动机缸体加工多尺度误差流建模理论与协调控制方法,2016-2020,负责人奚立峰

Ershun Pan, Liang Ye, Jianjun Shi, T. S. Chang. On-line bleeds detection in the continuous casting processes using Engineering-driven Rule-based algorithm, ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2009, 131(6).

Ershun Pan, Guina Wang, Lifeng Xi, Lu Chen, Xiaole Han, Single-machine group scheduling problem considering learning & forgetting effects and preventive maintenance, International Journal of Production Research, 2014:52(19): 5690-5074.

Ran Liu, Xiaolan Xie. Physician Staffing for Emergency Departments with Time-Varying Demand, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018, 30(3): 588-607.

Peilian Wang, Ran Liu, Zhibin Jiang. Optimization of combination chemotherapy with dose adjustment using a memetic algorithm. Information Sciences, 2018, 432:63-78.

Ran Liu, Xiaolan Xie, Garaix Thierry. Hybridization of tabu search with feasible and infeasible local searches for periodic home health care logistics, Omega,2014,47:17-32. 

Chen, L., Gendreau, M., Ha, M.H., Langevin, A. 2016. A robust optimization approach for the road network daily maintenance routing problem with uncertain service time, Transportation Research Part E, 85, 40-51.

Chen, L., Langevin A., Lu, Z. Integrated scheduling of crane handling and truck transportation in a maritime container terminal. European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 225, 142-152.

Dongping Chen, Xuening Chu, Xiwu Sun, Yupeng Li,Yuliang Su, An Information Axiom based decision making approach under hybrid uncertain environments,Information Sciences,Volume 312, 10 August 2015, Pages 25-39.

Zaifang, Zhang, Xuening Chu, Fuzzy group decision-making for multi-format and multi-granularity linguistic judgments in quality function deployment, Expert systems with applications, Vol.36, No.5, 2009: 9150-9158.

Shichang Du , Rui Xu and Lin Li. Modeling and Analysis of Multiproduct Multistage Manufacturing System for Quality Improvement. IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: systems. 2018, 48(5): 801-820.

Shichang Du,Tao Liu, Delin Huang and Guilong Li. An Optimal Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for Vibration Signal Decomposition. ASME Transaction on Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.2017.139,031003-1-18.

Bo Song, Zuhua Jiang, Xinyu Li, Modeling knowledge need awareness using the problematic situations elicited from questions and answers ,Knowledge-Based Systems ,2015,Vol.75,173-183.

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Tangbin Xia, Lifeng Xi, Shichang Du, Lei Xiao, Ershun Pan. Energy-oriented maintenance decision-making for sustainable manufacturing based on energy saving window. ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2018, 140(5), 051001: 1-12.

Tangbin Xia, Yifan Dong, Lei Xiao, Shichang Du, Ershun Pan, Lifeng Xi. Recent advances in prognostics and health management for advanced manufacturing paradigms. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2018, 178, 255-268.

Xiaojun Zhou, Kailong Shi. Capacity Failure Rate Based Opportunistic Maintenance Modeling for Series-Parallel Multi-Station Manufacturing Systems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2019, 181(January): 46-53.

Xiaojun Zhou, Changjie Wu, Yanting Li, Lifeng Xi. A Preventive Maintenance Model for Leased Equipment Subject to Internal Degradation and External Shock Damage. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2016, 154(October): 1-7.

Dong Wang, Yang Zhao, Cai Yi*, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Jianhui Lin, Sparsity guided empirical wavelet transform fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 101C (2018) pp. 292-308.

Dong Wang, Kwok-Leung Tsui, Theoretical investigation of the upper and lower bounds of a generalized dimensionless bearing health indicator, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 98C (2018) 890-901. 

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